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Exchange files with your server using a graphical interface

This page explains how to exchange files (backup archives, music, pictures, movies...) with your server using a graphical interface for the (S)FTP protocol. This is an alternative to using scp which can be deemed technical and cryptic, or using an app like Nextcloud.

FileZilla can be used for this. It is free software and is available for Windows, GNU/Linux and macOS.

Download and install FileZilla

Get the client from the download page. It should automatically detect the version needed for your computer. Otherwise, follow the instructions to install the client

Install the program and run Filezilla.


  1. Click the Site Manager icon in the upper left to begin.

    Main screen of Filezilla

  2. Click New Site and give a name the server you will be using : Family here. Fill the settings as on the screenshot (replace the server address with your own and leave the port field empty unless you changed your SSH port number, in which case use this port number), and click on Connect. (N.B. : if you want to interact with the custom webapp files, you should use a different user than admin. Refer to the custom webapp documentation.)

    Site manager screen

  3. You will get a warning as you connect for the first time to the server. You can ignore it safely the first time you get it.

    warning about the unknown fingerprint of the server

  4. Filezilla is now asking the admin password to connect to your server.

    credential screen asking for the password

  5. Once bookmarked, your server will be backup up and you will get this screen.

    View of the "site manager" with the newly server added


  1. Connect to the Site created previously. Your passwork might be asked again

    The left panel corresponds to your computer. The right panel corresponds to your remote YunoHost server. You can browse folders and drag-and-drop files between the two panels.

    view while connected to a remote server

  2. In the right panel, you can browse to /home/yunohost.backup/archives/ to find backup archives.

    path where backups are located on YunoHost


    Be sure to download both the .tar.gz and .json files.

    Copy backups from YunoHost to local computer


Alternatives to Filezilla


From any recent GNU/Linux, you should be able to use the file manager to reach your server.

Nautilus from Gnome3 and Dolphin from KDE have features similar to FileZilla, out of the box.


  • WinSCP is also a nice candidate for Windows


  • Cyberduck is a free software available on macOS