🗃️ Domains
📄️ Theme the portal
Globally disable the overlay
📄️ Transfer files
This page explains how to exchange files (backup archives, music, pictures, movies...) with your server using a graphical interface for the (S)FTP protocol. This is an alternative to using scp which can be deemed technical and cryptic, or using an app like Nextcloud.
📄️ Add external storage
📄️ Configure SMTP relay
If your ISP blocks port 25, if you can't set a reverseDNS on your server, or if you have any other troubles using the built-in SMTP server on YunoHost, you may want to setup your YunoHost server to use an SMTP relay.
📄️ Configure Tor Hidden Service
This tuto is not finished ! Some data could leak with this setup like the main domain of your YunoHost, so it's not a "Hidden Service".
📄️ Custom certificates
Since version 2.5, YunoHost integrates Let's Encrypt certificates automated management. You can easily and freely install a Let's Encrypt certificate. The following document describes the steps for installing a paid certificate from a certification authority (Gandi, RapidSSL, StartSSL, Cacert).
📄️ Move apps storage
Applications folder are (usually) located in /var/www/$appname
📄️ Security
YunoHost has been developed to provide the best security without too much complication. Every protocol used in YunoHost is encrypted, only a password's hashes are stored and by default each user is able to access their personal directory only.
📄️ Access apps via SFTP
In YunoHost permission management web admin interface, you can specify which user can access your system through SFTP.