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In a virtual machine


  • An x86 computer with VirtualBox installed and enough RAM capacity to be able to run a small virtual machine with 1024MB RAM and 8GB capacity (at least)
  • A reasonable ISP, preferably with a good and unlimited upstream bandwidth
  • A computer to read this guide, flash the image and access your server.

Installing YunoHost in a VirtualBox is usually intended for testing or development. It is not convenient to run an actual server on the long-term, because the machine it's installed on probably won't be up 24/7, and because Virtualbox adds an additional layer of complexity in exposing the machine to the Internet.

Download the YunoHost image


If your host OS is 32 bits, be sure to download the 32-bit image.


If you wish to check the validity of our signed images, you can download our public key.

Create a new virtual machine


It's okay if you can only have 32-bit versions, just be sure that you downloaded the 32-bit image previously.

Tweak network settings


This step is important to properly expose the virtual machine on the network

Go to Settings > Network:

  • Select Bridged adapter
  • Select your interface's name: wlan0 if you are connected wirelessly, or eth0 otherwise.

Boot up the virtual machine

Start the virtual machine after selecting the YunoHost image.


If you encounter the error "VT-x is not available", you probably need to enable Virtualization in the BIOS of your computer.

Launch the graphical install

You should see a screen like this:

Preview of the ISO menu
Preview of the ISO menu

Once you have validated the keyboard layout, the installation will be launched and will completely erase the data on your hard disk!

  1. Select Graphical install
  2. Select your language, your location, your keyboard layout, and eventually your timezone.
  3. The installer will then download and install all required packages.

If the YunoHost installer fails and you can't solve the issue, know that it's also possible to install Debian and then install YunoHost on top. See these instructions.